Host reStructured Text Sphinx docs on GitHub Pages

Step 01: Project folder


The project folder structure is based on the concept that actual source code will be hosted inside the repository and therefore in order to achieve separation of concern the documentation and all associated workflow is placed in the docsource directory while the built site that GitHub Pages will serve is saved in the docs directory.

├── README.rst
├── .gitignore
└── docs
│   └── .gitkeep
└── docsource
    └── .gitkeep


In order to replicate this project the following have been used: anaconda navigator (v1.10.0), python (v3.8.5), sphinx (v3.4.1), poetry (v1.1.0)

Step 02: sphinx-quickstart

Spinx comes with a built-in utility to help start the documentation process: Getting Started Using sphinx-quickstart interactive tool you can quickly generate a complete documentation directory and sample Makefile to be used with sphinx-build. More information can be found at sphinx-quickstart

cd docsource && sphinx-quickstart --no-sep

if specified, create build directory under source directory.

├── README.rst
├── .gitignore
├── docs
│   └── .gitkeep
└── docsource
    ├── _build
    │   └── .gitkeep
    ├── _static
    │   └── .gitkeep
    ├── _templates
    │   └── .gitkeep
    ├── .gitkeep
    ├── index.rst
    ├── make.bat
    └── Makefile

Step 03: test if setup has been successful


Use python built-in http.server to serve local files. More information on python http.server can be found here http.server

one line command

make -C ./docsource html && python3 -m http.server 8000 --bind --directory ./docsource/_build/html

or using the step by step approach

cd ./docsource
make html
cd ./_build/html
python3 -m http.server 8000 --bind

Now navigate to localhost:8000.


Consider adding the _build and _autosummary directories to .gitignore to avoid committing these files to GitHub. This folder is only used as a local development/testing environment and will not be used to serve the actual GitHub Pages website. This repo contains these files for illustration purpose.

Step 04: add python module/package and test setup

├── .gitignore
├── docs/
│   └── .gitkeep
├── docsource/
│   ├── .gitkeep
│   ├── _autosummary/           # sphinx `autosummary` extension generated directory/content
│   ├── _build/
│   │   ├── doctrees/           # sphinx generated directory/content during the `make html` command
│   │   └── html/               # sphinx generated directory/content during the `make html` command
│   ├── _static/
│   │   └── .gitkeep
│   ├── _templates/             # templates needed by `autosummary` and `autodocs`
│   │   ├── .gitkeep
│   │   ├── class.rst
│   │   └── module.rst
│   ├──
│   ├── index.rst
│   ├── make.bat
│   └── Makefile
├── fibonacci/                  # example python module/package
│   ├── .DS_Store
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── Makefile
├── multiplication/             # example python module/package
│   ├── .DS_Store
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── mytoolbox/                  # example python module/package (by JamesALeedham/Sphinx-Autosummary-Recursion)
│   ├── .DS_Store
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └── mysubpackage/
│       ├──
│       ├──
│       └── mysubsubpackage/
│           ├──
│           └──
└── README.rst

04.01 add autodoc and autosummary extensions

Add the built-in sphinx extensions: autodoc and autosummary by replacing:

# -- General configuration ---------------------------------------------------

# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be
# extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom
# ones.
extensions = [


# -- General configuration ---------------------------------------------------

# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be
# extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom
# ones.
extensions = [
    'sphinx.ext.autodoc',  # Core Sphinx library for auto html doc generation from docstrings
    'sphinx.ext.autosummary',  # Create neat summary tables for modules/classes/methods etc
# Turn on sphinx.ext.autosummary
autosummary_generate = True

04.02 turn on sys.path

From uncomment the following code to allow sphinx to look in the correct directory where the pythong packages have been saved:

import os
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('..'))
# the `..` will move up one directory
# make sure you are pointing it to the correct relative/absolute path

04.03 create autosummary templates

Sphinx autosummary uses Jinja stub page templates files to generate the documentation:

  • autosummary/base.rst – fallback template

  • autosummary/module.rst – template for modules

  • autosummary/class.rst – template for classes

  • autosummary/function.rst – template for functions

  • autosummary/attribute.rst – template for class attributes

  • autosummary/method.rst – template for class methods

├── docsource/
│   ├── _templates/             # templates needed by `autosummary` and `autodocs`
│   │   ├── class.rst
│   │   └── module.rst

04.05 add the autosummary directive

This has been added to the index.rst page but can be added to any other page.

.. autosummary::
:toctree: _autosummary
:caption: API Reference
:template: module.rst


04.05 modify the make file and remove built cache

%: Makefile
    rm -rf _build               # remove _build folder cache during the local build test process
    rm -rf _autosummary         # remove _autosummary folder cache during the local build test process

04.06 locally build the docs and preview

Using python built-in http.server module create a new make file in the root of the project and add the following command:

# using the makefile inside the docs folder
# clean the current build then
# test build docs in local environment and
# start python http.server
    @cp -a ./README.rst ./docsource/README.rst
    make -C ./docsource html && python3 -m http.server 8000 --bind --directory ./docsource/_build/html

This will:

  • copy the latest README.rst file (guide) into the docsource directory

  • run make html to build the documentation into the _build directory

  • the make html command is actually saved in the ./docsource/Makfile

  • open a new pythong http.server to show the static files saved in the previous step

To test the new setup you can run make live_docs from the root of the project.

Step 05: host static website on GitHub Pages

Add the following to the root Makefile and run make github_docs:

# manual
    rm -rf docs
    mkdir ./docs && touch ./docs/.nojekyll
    @cp -a ./README.rst ./docsource/README.rst
    @make -C ./docsource html
    @cp -a ./docsource/_build/html/. ./docs

# automatic github action push or pull request
    rm -rf docs
    mkdir docs && touch docs/.nojekyll
    @cp -a README.rst docsource/README.rst
    rm -rf docsource/_build && mkdir docsource/_build
    rm -rf docsource/_autosummary
    pipx run poetry run sphinx-build -b html docsource docsource/_build/html
    @cp -a docsource/_build/html/* docs

This will:

  • remove docs folder cache that might have been previously built to allow for a fresh version

  • add a .nojekyll file to Bypassing Jekyll on GitHub Pages

  • copy the latest README.rst file (guide) into the docsource directory

  • run make html to build the documentation into the _build directory

  • the make html command is actually saved in the ./docsource/Makfile

  • copy the newly built _build static files into docs required by GitHub Pages


After the repository and the docs directory have been committed to GitHub go to the repository settings and select it as the Source for GitHub Pages.

Step 06: github actions to auto build github pages


Use a GitHub Action saved in .github/workflows/publish.yml

name: gh-pages publisher 🚀

    branches: [master]
    branches: [master]

    runs-on: ubuntu-20.04

    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - name: Set up Python 3.8.5
        uses: actions/setup-python@v2
        # Semantic version range syntax or exact version of a Python version
        python-version: "3.8.5"
        # Optional - x64 or x86 architecture, defaults to x64
        architecture: "x64"
    # You can test your matrix by printing the current Python version
    - name: Install pipx
        run: python3 -m pip install --user pipx==
    - name: pipx ensurepath
        run: /home/runner/.local/bin/pipx ensurepath
    - name: pipX PATH
        run: PATH=/home/runner/.local/bin:$PATH
    - name: Install poetry
        run: pipx install poetry==1.1.0
    - name: Test environment
        run: python3 --version ; pip --version ; pipx --version ; pipx run poetry --version ; ls -a ; ls docsource -a
    - name: Install dependencies
        run: pipx run poetry install
    - name: Build website
        run: make github_action_docs
    - name: Commit and Push
        run: |
        git config --global "github-actions[bot]"
        git config --global "41898282+github-actions[bot]"
        # use account 'github-actions[bot]' to set the git config
        git add docs
        git commit -m "new github pages"
        git push